“May my meditation
Lose its heart
Inside God’s Silence-Eye.”
Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, part 192, Agni Press, 1993
“Your message and mine are the same. When we both leave this world, you and I, we will meet together.”
March 22nd, 1972 - more
“Your loving heart and profound wisdom are a matter of my boundless admiration.”
November 3rd, 1992 - more
“What you are doing is in the interest of the entire humanity and the world.”
January 29th, 1996 - more
“I am so pleased with all the good work you are doing for world peace and for people in so many countries.”
October 1st, 1994 - more
“I personally feel that you have been doing a most significant task for the United Nations…Please feel my sincere respect and sincere concern for what you are doing for mankind.”
February 29th, 1972 - more
“You too strive to ease unnecessary suffering and indeed, have helped many, many people…I thank you for your generosity of spirit.”
July 21st, 1997 - more